Suggest an Item

Are we missing the third book in a series, or even worse, the first? Is there a movie, video game, or book that you think we need to have in our collection so the greatness can be shared with everyone in the Wood Buffalo Region? Let us know!

Unfortunately, not every title suggested will be added to our collection. We encourage patrons to check out the free interlibrary loan service to see if titles are available at other libraries in Alberta. Request them online and they'll get shipped to you here at no cost!

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The information on this form is collected under the authority of the Libraries Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It will be used to contact you to obtain clarity about your request or provide you updates or answers. If you have any questions about the collection and use of the information, please contact the FOIP Coordinator, Wood Buffalo Regional Library, 1 C.A. Knight Way, Fort McMurray, Alberta, T9H 5C5, 780-743-7800.

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